How are paper cups recycled?
Paper cups such as coffee cups, smoothie cups, take-away soft drink cups can't be recycled in most kerbside recycling bins.
Due to the size and shape, weight and the different materials such as the waterproof lining used to make cups – kerbside recycling can’t sort them for recycling.
Paper cups need to be collected separately to be recycled.
Find out how we recycle your paper cups!

We pick up these paper cups from their collection locations and make sure there is no contamination.
Pick ups

Cups are processed
Paper cups are taken to processing facilities, where our team process the used cups.
Processing includes washing and drying, shredding, compacting or blending to make flakes, pellets, glue or a mix of these!
The type of processing will depend on many things such as what sustainable product is going to be made.

Find out more
Watch our video and learn more about what we collect and how we work with partners to recycle your paper cups.